Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mint Chocolate Chip 'Ice Cream'

I just made some really great 'ice cream' that really hit the spot.

It was the Mint Chocolate Chip version of my "Strawberry 'Ice Cream' recipe.

Here are both recipes with a few revisions from the previous version posted on my blog. Take note...the Sugar Free Davinci Syrups ALL contain a little Splenda. This is about the only exception to my 'no Splenda' thoughts. Very little is in the syrup to begin with and I only use a small amount in each serving...If I ever find a natural substitute for these flavors, I will use that..until is what it is!!

I also have several other 'ice cream' flavor Strawberry Lemon, Strawberry Banana, Pineapple, and Orange Pineapple versions...Some of which I will post here and most all will be in my cookbook!


Strawberry 'Ice Cream' – (6WBM style)

This is really a frozen smoothie that came out so creamy, it tastes like Strawberry Ice Cream only without the cream and fat!!

Make these first:
Vanilla Puffs

I make these 6 at a time in my 6-loaf silicon baking dish.

12 egg whites
6 squirts clear vanilla (about 3 tsp.)
6 tsp. Splenda OR 1 Tablespoon Honey if you don't want to use the Splenda

Preheat oven to 400o F. In medium mixing bowl, beat together all ingredients with hand mixer until stiff peaks form. Divide evenly into 6 loaf silicon baking dish. Bake for 12-13 minutes. Allow to cool for 2-3 minutes and then remove from pan. They should slip right out. Set aside and allow to cool. These can be made ahead and stored in the fridge.
Makes (6) puffs.

Each puff is : 2 oz. Protein A

Strawberry 'Ice Cream'

For each serving , use the following:
½ cup slightly thawed or fresh strawberries
½ tsp. clear vanilla OR Vanilla Sugar Free DaVinci Syrup
1 tsp. Torani White Chocolate Sugar Free Syrup
1 Vanilla Puff, torn into about 4-5 pieces

Using the Tall cup of the Magic Bullet (or blender), add ingredients in order given.
Using the whipping blade, whip until large chunks are all gone and mixture is smooth.
You may need to shake the cup while whipping to get everything blended together, but it will eventually all blend and get smooth! Whip for about 10 - 15 seconds more and then pour into plastic container with lid and freeze overnight. Repeat with remaining puffs if desired.

These taste better once they are completely set up and frozen. When you are ready to eat, allow to thaw slightly for easier scooping. I put mine in the fridge to thaw for a few hours and enjoy this as my PM snack! Comes out like soft serve strawberry ice cream!

Each serving is: 2 oz. Protein A
½ c. Fruit A

Mint Chocolate Chip 'Ice Cream'
(Living Lean version)

For each serving , use the following:
1/4 cup NSA applesauce
a splash of clear vanilla OR Vanilla Sugar Free DaVinci Syrup
7 Ghiardelli 60% Cacao Chocolate chips

1 tsp. Davinci Sugar Free Creme de Menthe Syrup

a splash of Davinci Sugar Free Peppermint Pattie Syrup

1 Vanilla Puff, torn into about 4-5 pieces

Using the Tall cup of the Magic Bullet (or blender), add ingredients in order given.
Using the whipping blade, whip until mixture is smooth.
You may need to shake the cup while whipping to get everything blended together, but it will eventually all blend and get smooth! Whip for about 10 - 15 seconds more and then pour into plastic container with lid and freeze overnight. Repeat with remaining puffs if desired.

These taste better once they are completely set up and frozen. When you are ready to eat, allow to thaw slightly for easier scooping. I put mine in the fridge to thaw for a few hours. Comes out like soft serve mint chocolate chip ice cream! Very refreshing snack for about 110 calories!!

Monday, March 02, 2009

It's March!!!

It's March!! Warm temperatures are just around the corner and they can't come soon enough for me!!

I am sooo ready to pop my bike off the trainer and get outside in the fresh air again! But until the temperature stays above 40 degrees day and night, I am riding indoors and walk/jogging outside when I can.

I have been busy working on my cookbook of my best fat burning recipes!! I have a few new ones that aren't posted on the blog yet. Oatmeal Cookies and Molasses Spice Cookies!!! The latter taste like my Gingersnap Muffins except in cookie form! They make great portable snacks!!

I am also including lots of other information in my cookbook so you can eat like me!! Healthy, nutritious AND delicious!!

Recipe revisions to eliminate all artificial sweeteners are progressing well....My applesauce recipe is just as yummy with a little bit of honey as it is with Splenda or regular sugar! And the Smokey Ketchup recipe works fine with that same substitution!!

And if I haven't said it lately - PLANKS ROCK!!
Once you start doing them, you will never do a regular ab crunch again!! You can absolutely see the difference after you do them for just a few weeks. But be advised....they really aren't for beginner exercisers or the severely overweight...But if you have been weight training for a while and haven't tried them, give them a shot!! They are harder then they look!!

I still need sponsors for my Tour de Cure ride in June. You can do this online at my Tour page.
My Tour Page - Thanks for your support!!

JG is leading the points after the first three NASCAR races!!! I see him in victory lane at Atlanta next Sunday...sooo close these past 2 weeks....gonna happen SOON!!! I can feel it!!!

And finally....
I have been thinking of my mom today...She would have been 72 years young today....still hard to believe she has been gone for over 15 years...I miss her every day...

Comments are always welcome!!!
Thanks for visiting!!
