Thursday, February 28, 2019

Roving Indiana 2019

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Llama Pin/Ornies with Roving Indiana 2019 yarn hats

My new limited edition Llama head Pin/Ornaments with hats knit from the special edition yarn made exclusively for Roving Indiana 2019! I will only be making a limited number with these hats (approximately 50+/-)...llama colors will vary...prices are $18 each plus tax and shipping...I will also have these at #thefibereventatgreencastle in April!

Visit my Facebook page Woven Dimensions for more information and availability! You can DM me via my Facebook page too.

Orders will start shipping March 10th... 
#wovendimensions #handmade #rovingindiana 
#rovingindiana2019 #knitfelting #llamaswithhats#llamapins 
#limitededition #thefiberevent #knitfeltedornaments  
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Llama Pin/Ornies with Roving Indiana 2019 hats

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Doggie Toppers (and a new friend too)

New just in time for Valentine's Day.......
Doggie Toppers with heart tags! Can use these as tree toppers or over bottles or even over large plastic eggs (which is what I used to stand them up for this picture!)

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Doggie Toppers

Also new is the latest addition to the McOinker family......this is Mo McOinker and he is a topper for a tree or over a bottle......might add a felted hat to him or might just leave him hatless!!

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Mo McOinker Topper