Thursday, November 21, 2019

FALL SHOW LISTINGS now that Summer Fun is over...**UPDATED 10-3-19**

My fall shows have kicked off and I have several new items that debuted and will be debuting at upcoming shows...including Pru McOinker, Cats in Hats Pin/ornies, and a bevy of new Indiana Grown items made with yarns from animals raised in Indiana!

Pru McOinker
Pru McOinker

My fall show lineup is still a work in progress and should be finalized by mid-September....I will add these events to my Events Calendar on my Facebook page as I receive confirmations and the shows post their event pages. Shows confirmed so far include:

Buckeye Regional and HLAA Llama Show

Christmas in October in Fishers, Indiana

** just added** The Artisan Table at Geist Christian Church

Holiday Open House at Fernwood Botanical Gardens in Niles, Michigan...(Fri - Sat Nov 1-2) I will NOT be there in person, but a smattering of my most popular ornaments will be there and available for purchase.

St. Luke's Holiday Bazaar

Winter's Eve Gathering in Terre Haute, Indiana

Westfield Band Boosters Holiday Craft Show in Westfield, Indiana

Hoosier Artisan Boutique - Noblesville, Indiana

Yelp Totally Bazaar 2019

Max Doggie Ornaments

In the meantime, follow my Facebook page Woven Dimensions for updates and pictures of my latest and greatest ornaments and toppers! If you see something you like and want to purchase it, DM me via FB or email or call for more information!

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